Google Cloud Platform for a fistful of dollars

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers for some of it's products and services daily/monthly free tiers. This can be very useful if you are student or living in a third world country and you want to spent as less money as possible whether you are just starting, trying things out, hacking some personal project or prototyping your idea into application which will make from you next billionaire or as a company you want to take advantage of that and try to reduce costs. Even when I started with cloud development few years ago and deciding where to host my web application(s), I choose Google App Engine (and not AWS (AWS has free tier but only for a first year for new users) or something else) because there was (and still is) quite generous free tier (for small web applications).

If you are Big Co. then this article will not provide much value.

GCP is getting more and more complex in terms of offered products and services, so sometimes it's really complicated to have overview which service costs how much, so I've put into spreadsheet list of all products and services on GCP and divided into 3 categories based on free tier support: 

- products with free tier (column Free Quota == Yes)

- products which don't have a free tier but can be used for a few dollars per month (this is relative, but can be used in many cases) (column Small costs)

- products for which you need to dig deeper into the pocket (column Free Quota == No)  


On offical GCP pages there is also overview of free stuff but I think not in such detail as here.


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