Google Cloud Platform videos

The other day I wanted to put good and inspiring videos regarding Google Cloud Platform (Google App Engine) all together on one place but when I searched Google first link was to google page where they have collection of videos from youtube. Anyway for the sake of invested time in this I putting links here also:

Google Cloud Platform -  Videos from Google developers regarding Google Cloud Platform namely general news about GCP then Google Compute Engine, Big Query and few videos regarding Google App Engine. Most of the videos have slides attached.

Google Compute Engine - Videos regarding Google Compute Engine mostly from Google I/Os presentations plus there are few short video tutorials. 

Google App Engine - the oldest product from Google Cloud Platform family, there are training videos, presentations since 2008. Since some things changed since then not all is relevant, but anyway inspiring :)

If you want to learn in depth about Google Cloud products (and have plenty of time) you can dive into the videos. Best way to learn is by doing :)

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