This years second generation of standard runtimes for Google App Engine was released. So now there is First and Second ...
Continuing series on topic "Search on Google Cloud Platform", in this article I'll explore Cloud SQL as storage, namely ...
The other day I was answering question on Quora "How your company is using Google cloud and what for?". Of ...
I came around few times on topic "Search on Google Cloud Platform", i.e. people asking question of different ways ...
Since the beginning (2008) Google App Engine (GAE) had integrated Datastore API which could be used also for local development ...
Webapp2 is Python framework for creating web applications and is primarily used for development on Google App Engine. In fact ...
From time to time, there is need in web application for users to upload file or multiple files to server ...
So finally at Cloud Next 2017 (March 2017), Google App Engine Flexible was announced as generally available. You can read ...
When project is created on Google Cloud Platform, domain is automatically created and deployed Google App Engine ...
In November 2016 GAE Flex went Beta, and since some changes were introduced I want to write my thoughts about ...
On August 25th I’ve got email from Google Cloud Platform inviting me to fill out survey regarding Google Cloud ...
I am writing this article out of my own personal experience working with GAE Flexible environment (more precisely one case ...
Google App Engine is great platform for building web applications. I created presentation where I pointed out some thoughs from ...
One aspect of working with database (doesn't relates only to GAE) is retrieving stored data. It can be single ...
When Udacity launched in summer 2014 course Developing Scalable Apps (with Java), my review here: ...
The other day I wanted to put good and inspiring videos regarding Google Cloud Platform (Google App Engine) all together ...
I am doing courses on Udacity since their beginning, so I was quite curious when they recently introduced new courses ...
update 2015: It's possible to set custom domail now in cloud console ...